Prepare For Roof Replacement in Houston

During a re-roof, your home will be a construction zone. Below is important information to help you prepare for your project. This may be inconvenient, but we want to ensure you and your home are protected.

Prior to Re-roof/Construction:

  • We will need access to your driveway for delivery of materials prior to starting the job as well as during construction. Please park your vehicles away from the house.
  • Be prepared for noise; there will be constant hammering for one or more days depending on the size of your roof. Remove valuable objects and breakable items from walls and shelves. They may fall due to vibrations caused by the hammering.
  • Keep children away from the work construction zone and confine any animals or pets indoors or restrain them away from the house. Falling debris can cause injury.
  • Move outdoor furniture and potted plants away from the house and cover the pool/hot tub or pond.
  • Do not run the sprinkler system the night before or during construction.
  • Cover objects in the attic and garage if there is no interior ceiling. Rotted decking will be removed which may cause falling debris in the attic.

During Construction:

  • Disarm the burglar alarm as vibrations from hammering may activate it.
  • Please unlock any gates around the house for debris removal.
  • The roofing crew will need access to water and a source of electricity. If exterior plugs are not available, then please have an extension cord through a door or window.
  • Please walk carefully and do not drive on the driveway; watch for debris and nails.
  • Exercise caution when entering or leaving your home. Debris and other objects may fall from the roof.

After Construction:

  • Check that all gates are closed before letting pets outside.
  • Watch for overlooked nails. Please note: a yard with taller grass or fallen leaves does not clean up as quickly or as easily as a clean, freshly cut lawn.
  • If you have a gas furnace and water heater, please visually check the vent pipes for these items to make sure that they have not become disconnected due to the vibrations during construction. Vent pipes run from the units, through the attic and out through the roof. This is not something the roofing crew can check from the exterior.